Doctor-Patient Relationships

Fitness Trackers to Save Lives image

Fitness Trackers to Save Lives

March 15, 2019

Technology in patients’ hands can give medical professionals the help they need to ensure patients’ health. Instead of looking up their symptoms on Google, anyone can buy a tracker that can monitor their health. However, since the new technology became…

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The Issue of Online Medical (Mis)Information

March 8, 2019

The internet seems to be a place where people think they can diagnose themselves instead of going to a healthcare professional. The biggest issue here is that if you look up “Why does my head hurt?” on google, you can…

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The “War on Opioids” Needs to End

February 8, 2019

“With the first cut of the scalpel, excruciating pain exploded in my foot, and I was shocked speechless. I froze, paralyzed, terrified that any movement would jostle that knife digging into my flesh.” Angelika Byczkowski, a patient suffering from Ehlers-Danlos…

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Big Hospitals Sue HHS

February 1, 2019

Hospitals are beginning to follow in the footsteps of the American Hospital Association and are suing the Trump Administration for its decision to institute site-neutral payments. The change, which is part of the Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and Ambulatory…

Social Determinants of Health Influence in 2018 image

Social Determinants of Health Influence in 2018

January 4, 2019

Social determinants of health (SDOH) started becoming more mainstream of a concern for the greater healthcare system in 2018. An individual’s socioeconomic status can put their health at risk. Locally, this has become even more apparent since Hurricane Michael hit…

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Surprise, Unexpected Medical Bills!

December 21, 2018

  The recent legal changes increased national attention to financial difficulties arising from patients receiving surprise, unexpected medical bills has led to a group of insurance, business and consumer groups announcing they have joined forces in an attempt to create…

Should Doctors “Stay in Their Lane..”? image

Should Doctors “Stay in Their Lane..”?

November 30, 2018

  A recent uproar in the media was the National Rifle Association telling doctors in a tweet to “stay in their lane” when addressing the issue of gun violence. As you know, doctors see the aftermath of gun violence; you…

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Reasons for Patients Ignoring Physician Advice

November 16, 2018

  It is a known fact among all of our members that patients often do not do what their physician advises them to after seeing them. As frustrating as it can be, it is important to us at Emerald Coast…

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Arming Ourselves Against Physician Burnout

September 7, 2018

Physicians, nurses, and healthcare professionals everywhere are experiencing burnout due to stress related factors. The suicide rate among physicians is more than double that of the general population. Burnout and depression can lead to medical error, something no patient wants…

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CMS Proposal Aims to Improve Doctor-Patient Relationships

July 20, 2018

In May, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar told us that he planned to use his pen to make significant and hopefully positive changes to the healthcare industry in the United States. Staying true to his word, the HHS…

David Scott Fine Jewelry
Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC
Danna Gracey
Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center
Hancock Bank
Panama City Surgery Center
David Scott Fine Jewelry
Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC
Danna Gracey
Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center
Hancock Bank
Panama City Surgery Center