Written by Michelle Flaat.

Stroke Prevention

→Proper Management & Surveillance of Carotid Disease

Most know doctors prescribe a healthy diet, at least 30 minutes of exercise, limiting alcohol, no smoking, and regular checkup for a healthy heart and overall well-being. And yet a stroke is ranked at number 3 of the most common causes of death in the U.S. Over 800,000 cases occur yearly, and most of them can are preventable.
Dr. Patrick Tamim, a local surgeon, specializing in critical care and treatment of carotid disease, shares with us his expertise on prevention and treatments of stroke. Mini-strokes and strokes are similar in their symptoms. The patient will experience weakness, paralysis, loss of vision, basically anything that can be caused by lack of blood flow to the brain. The symptoms usually last for 24 hours depending on the severity of the carotid disease and the blockage of the arteries.

Carotid arteries get clogged and the plaque forming inside prevents the blood from going to the brain. Damage is usually permanent, and there is 6-10% risk of repeat stroke within a year. Prevention of this disease is possible with smoking cessation, controlling cholesterol levels, and when necessary – management of diabetes.

Several medical procedures can help prevent stroke. The patient can treat the carotid disease, and clear the blockage. Dr. Tamim frequently performs endarterectomy and stenting in the riskiest cases. He emphasized: “with proper management and surveillance of carotid disease the risk of stroke can be decreased dramatically.”


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