Written by Michelle Flaat.

Arming Ourselves Against Physician Burnout

Physicians, nurses, and healthcare professionals everywhere are experiencing burnout due to stress related factors. The suicide rate among physicians is more than double that of the general population. Burnout and depression can lead to medical error, something no patient wants to experience.

Studies have shown that it is important for medical professionals to surround themselves with people who can understand them and help them to reflect on their true purpose for picking this field. Emerald Coast Medical Association is the perfect place to do this as it is made up of healthcare professionals who support each other and interact with each other. It is of the utmost importance for us to help to support physicians and other healthcare workers while allowing them to grow as individuals and a group. We have found that our members are not only better personally, but also when interacting with their patients.

Emerald Coast Medical Association is working to fight back against burnout and depression. Here at Emerald Coast Medical Association, we value our medical professionals and do everything we can to combat burnout. Our members participate in retreats and workshops that allow them to relieve their stress from the job and interact with others who understand the feelings they have on a day-to-day basis.

There are many more benefits to becoming a member of Emerald Coast Medical Association. There are meetings every month, where members are recognized for the hard work they have put in. Member meetings also spotlight current trends in medicine so that members are always informed of the newest hot topics.

Many of these meetings aim to encourage growth from members. Members have various opportunities to speak with other physicians and expand their network among each other. Our network of physicians is ever-expanding so there is always someone new to have the opportunity to speak with at our meetings. In addition, we encourage our members to grow by holding scientific sessions every spring where anyone looking to expand their knowledge is invited to come. Members also have access to cutting edge Continuing Medical Education, allowing them to excel at their trade.

Members should take full advantage of all these opportunities as it is proven to only help them better themselves as physicians. We are aware of the hardships that physicians and other healthcare professionals face, and we hope to make the public more aware through our association.

There are many more benefits that members have access to, all of which can be viewed by clicking below

Membership Benefits


Member Benefits

Member Benefits

The Emerald Coast Medical Association strives to provide superior member benefits. By joining, you will gain access to cutting edge continuing medical education, top medical malpractice & cyber liability insurance plans, and a comprehensive group health plan. Our board also continually advocates at the local, State, and Federal level all with a goal to support our physician members with a desire to excel.



Members are invited to the New Member recognition meeting annually, multiple hot topics meetings to better inform our members and networking social events.

Member Resources

Member Resources

We serve as a community resource for connecting patients and physicians. We are a conduit of information for physicians in a rapidly changing medical environment.

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