Ask the Doctor

Healthcare Reform is Coming image

Healthcare Reform is Coming

May 31, 2019

In hopes to end surprise medical billing, Senate health committee chairman Lamar Alexander (Tennessee) and member Patty Murray (Washington) introduced a draft package of legislation. The draft package aims to cut healthcare costs, starting with surprise medical billing and drug…

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The Issue of Online Medical (Mis)Information

March 8, 2019

The internet seems to be a place where people think they can diagnose themselves instead of going to a healthcare professional. The biggest issue here is that if you look up “Why does my head hurt?” on google, you can…

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Five Tips for Child Health From a Pediatrician

February 22, 2019

Making sure your child is healthy in adulthood begins when he or she is young and full of life. Kids today have created bad habits for themselves that could lead to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity in their future.…

Should Doctors “Stay in Their Lane..”? image

Should Doctors “Stay in Their Lane..”?

November 30, 2018

  A recent uproar in the media was the National Rifle Association telling doctors in a tweet to “stay in their lane” when addressing the issue of gun violence. As you know, doctors see the aftermath of gun violence; you…

Privia Health
David Scott Fine Jewelry
Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC
Danna Gracey
Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center
Hancock Bank
Panama City Surgery Center
Privia Health
David Scott Fine Jewelry
Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC
Danna Gracey
Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center
Hancock Bank
Panama City Surgery Center