Written by Michelle Flaat.

Post Hurricane Member Resources

Free Loaner Copy Machines

CPC Office Technologies is offering loaner copiers at no charge for 90 days to any companies affected by the hurricane. If your business or a business that you know of was affected, please let us know.

Kayla Obert
Account Manager
Direct (850) 530-2025
CPC Office Technologies

Managing Traumatic Stress After the Hurricane

Time will tell whether Houston, the Caribbean, and Florida manage to recover from the trauma of recent hurricanes mentally but while the physical injuries will fade and the houses will be rebuilt, the psychological impact is likely to worsen. Implementing targeted psychosocial care is both a humanitarian need and an economic necessity—saving lives, jobs, and families.





Free Trauma Counseling for You and Your Staff

ECMA members are blessed to have the support of some very strong and thoughtful Benefits Partners. Med Pro Group, Danna-Gracey and Barrett Liner and Buss have committed the financial resources to provide onsite trauma counselors for you and your staff over the next few weeks. I have Licensed Mental Health Counselors waiting to be scheduled to come to your office at your request.
I know that we are a very resilient group but physicians and their staff are already at the highest stress level. You can’t care for your patients if you and your staff are unable to relieve some of the pressure.

We have the funding and the resources to make sure that you have the opportunity to address the stress and trauma we are ALL feeling in this recovery period.

ECMA leadership had been planning to kick off a Physician Wellness and Resiliency program this coming January, but with a generous donation from our Partners of our Med Mal program and our Group Health Program, we are prepared to provide onsite service and resources right now.

To schedule your office email me at michelle@flmedical.org for questions, call my cell: 850-819-8273. Our ECMA office is not functional yet.

Physician Employment Opportunity


Bay County is the recipient of private and state funding that will bring a 3600 person survivor camp to Panama City. This will house people in need and does not require FEMA to be involved. This is an amazing resource for our community!! The VP of HR and I have been in close touch, and they need a physician as soon as Friday! Please call or email me if you are interested in this opportunity.

Here is a rough rundown of what we will need:

– Urgent care physician within 5-7 days (pending final contract signing on Tuesday)

– Would be based on a 10-12 hr day and on call. We would need coverage for 24/7, so perhaps multiple physicians on a rotational basis. Expected to have this person/persons for 1 month, with the possibility of extension. Would only be for Matrix employees, all adults.

– We estimate coverage for up to 120 people

– The daily patient volume will vary, could be zero, could be 10-15.

– Accommodations and meals provided, travel also provided for anyone not local

– Full med-tent and all supplies will be on site (may be missing something, which we will get upon request)

Amber Munce
Vice President, Human Resources
Matrix Aviation Solutions

Building Contract Available

The contractor below is working on the repairs for the ECMA office and is willing to work with any of our physician members. He is experienced in insurance negotiations and has been ahead of the game in getting everything lined up and ready to start.

Jon Pruitt
Addison Riley, LLC: Design – Build – Renovate
Blue Anchor Realty
Cell: (850) 426-1241
FL: CBC1261672
AL: 25802

2015 West Florida Home Builder’s Association Builder of the Year
Past President of the West Florida Home Builder’s Association
Rotary Paul Harris Fellow and Bequest Society

Make Sure You are Sending Us Updates and Check our Website, Facebook, Email, and Blog Posts Regularly for Updates to be Published From All Sources

Please continue to send your updates on the status of your practice. Physicians and the public are counting on our postings for current information.

ECMA Facebook:

Practice Updates for Hurricane Michael Impacted Areas:
We also have created a separate list of resources for you that includes office space available, contractors, insurance tips, etc. That is where I will post grant opportunities as they become available as well.

Hurricane Michael Recovery: Physician Resources:

Psychological resilience is the ability to cope with a crisis successfully and to return to pre-crisis status quickly. Resilience exists when a person uses mental processes and behaviors in promoting personal assets and protecting self from the potential negative effects of stressors.

Warm Regards,

Michelle Flaat
Executive Director of ECMA
Office: 850-784-2090
Cell: 850-819-8273


Member Benefits

Member Benefits

The Emerald Coast Medical Association strives to provide superior member benefits. By joining, you will gain access to cutting edge continuing medical education, top medical malpractice & cyber liability insurance plans, and a comprehensive group health plan. Our board also continually advocates at the local, State, and Federal level all with a goal to support our physician members with a desire to excel.



Members are invited to the New Member recognition meeting annually, multiple hot topics meetings to better inform our members and networking social events.

Member Resources

Member Resources

We serve as a community resource for connecting patients and physicians. We are a conduit of information for physicians in a rapidly changing medical environment.

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