The Emerald Coast Medical Association Preferred Partner program is in place to help connect you with our ever-expanding network of physicians. This is more than an event sponsorship, it is designed to help you and our physicians with business needs and connecting the two.
Although the Winter CME Beach Retreat is our main event each year, there are a number of year-round opportunities for you and your company to reach our members and conference attendees. From business spotlights in E-Newsletters to social network promotions, and to meeting sponsorship opportunities, we make the ability to reach our membership readily available. We believe that one of the partnership levels below will be a good match for you.
These banner ads are used in e-newsletters, event announcements, and other e-blasts. If sponsored, a custom banner ad (300×100 pixels) will be created to match company branding, message, and placed with a link to your company’s website.
Click below to download the full 2020 Preferred Partnership Opportunities Prospectus.
The Emerald Coast Medical Association strives to provide superior member benefits. By joining, you will gain access to cutting edge continuing medical education, top medical malpractice & cyber liability insurance plans, and a comprehensive group health plan. Our board also continually advocates at the local, State, and Federal level all with a goal to support our physician members with a desire to excel.