Written by Michelle Flaat.

Part 3: Putting Leadership Style Into Action

These three educational sessions were designed specifically for you as a practice manager. Upon completion, you will feel empowered to deal with the daily healthcare industry changes coming your way and lead your staff to the next level.

This is the third and most interactive session in this series, presented by Debra Williams, M.D. Don’t miss this final informative and interactive session to help you put all the pieces of the leadership puzzle together. Missed the first two sessions? No worries, you will be able to jump right in and enjoy the opportunity to learn from your peers.

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Member Benefits

The Emerald Coast Medical Association strives to provide superior member benefits. By joining, you will gain access to cutting edge continuing medical education, top medical malpractice & cyber liability insurance plans, and a comprehensive group health plan. Our board also continually advocates at the local, State, and Federal level all with a goal to support our physician members with a desire to excel.



Members are invited to the New Member recognition meeting annually, multiple hot topics meetings to better inform our members and networking social events.

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Member Resources

We serve as a community resource for connecting patients and physicians. We are a conduit of information for physicians in a rapidly changing medical environment.

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