Written by Michelle Flaat.

Trump Administration Helping the Medical Community: Kidney Transplants

The Trump administration is doing more work for the medical community again. This time it is for an increase of access to kidney transplants and to encourage the use of in-home dialysis. 

Politico reported that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will announce new payment methods toward kidney care and Trump is considering an executive order for these plans. 

The HHS will also unveil an agency-wide program that will enhance the prevention and screening for kidney diseases. However, the final bits of the plan are still in the making. 

The Administration officials have hinted at the steps in recent months. The Secretary of the HHS, Alex Azar, gave a speech in March at the National Kidney Foundation’s Kidney Patient Advocate Summit, discussing how the sector is ripe for change. 

Alex Azar also pointed out, “Today, Medicare covers most patients with kidney failure, but we don’t begin spending a great deal on these patients until they’re already sick” … “It is the epitome of a system that pays for sickness rather than health, and this administration is intent on shifting these priorities.” 

Fortunately enough though, the White House has faith that these changes will extend the lives of people in need of kidney care and that it could save the government billions of dollars in payments for expensive dialysis treatments. 

The administration also says that about 17,000 additional kidneys could be made available for transplantation through its plan to reduce the waste of potentially suitable organs. It could also get 11,000 more hearts, livers, lungs, and other organs that are needed for transplant. 

President Trump and his administration are making the correct moves for the health of the people and whenever news like this sprouts up we, Emerald Coast Medical Association, will report it to you. We will make sure you are kept up to date with the critical medical news. Nevertheless, if you become a member, you can go to the ECMA member meetings. Where as a member, you are invited to participate in a spotlight of hot topics and emerging trends in medicine. 


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